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Информационно писмо


International theoretical and practical scientific conference
"Bulgarian discourse: psychology and social sciences"
By the decision of the Board of Directors of the NPO “Bulgarian Discourse” the International Theoretical and Practical Scientific Conference “Bulgarian Discourse: Psychology and Social Sciences” was created from 2022.
The conference will be invited to present scientific articles and messages and their subsequent publication, participants from Bulgaria and other countries - scientists of psychologists, scientists - representatives of social sciences, humanity sciences and society.
The conference is held annually on weekends, which falls out in the period from the 10th to the 20th of August of the corresponding calendar year. The conference will be held both by present and online.
Articles and messages submitted at the conference will be published in the periodical - a collection of materials of the corresponding annual publication and will have the status of scientific publications, according to international standards for representation and citation. The responsible editor of the collection is prof. D.I.N. Fuck Stefanov - Sofia University named after „St. Clement of Oridsk "
The place of the conference is the city of Varna, the Republic of Bulgaria, in the future with the possibility, with expediency, to conduct it in other places in Bulgaria, as well as abroad.
The official languages of the conference are Bulgarian, Russian and English. Articles and scientific messages in other languages are possible after preliminary approval with the organizers. The authors provide a translation from the corresponding language to one or more official languages of the conference. Any specific material can be presented at the discretion of the author in one or several languages. Translations of these materials, their quality and compliance with print requirements are provided by authors.
Articles are accepted in the volume of at least 0.5 printed sheet (40,000 characters along with text gaps). Articles intended for publication undergoes double blind review. Reviewers are scientists and specialists in the scientific profile of the article.
In its current version, the conference does not require payment for publication, but does not provide for copyright fees.
The conference is the successor of the annual since 2019, the traditional international interdisciplinary theoretical and practical scientific conference “Fedot readings”.